Pay less for your electricity with no-cost solar PV

With energy prices rising it makes sense to look at cheaper electricity suppliers. At Brighton Energy Coop we partner with roof owners to host solar panels and reduce your electricity bills by up to 50%.

There is no cost on your part: we cover all financial, technical, insurance and maintenance issues.

For more information download our brochure here

DCIM108GOPROBenefits to you

We offer you substantial electricity savings without having to pay for your own solar kit. Our solar panels can save you thousands of pounds on your electricity bill for decades to come – and it won’t cost you a penny.

How it works

We lease roofspaces and then install community-funded solar panels. We sell the electricity that we generate to you at a discounted rate.

Step 1: Site survey and lease agreement
BEC surveys each site and works out solar potential. We then discuss with you how much you can save from one of our PV systems.

Step 2: Lease agreement
BEC enters into an agreement with you to lease the roof space.

Step 3: Funding
BEC regularly funds new solar PV installations via community share offers. In the last 4 years we’ve raised nearly £700,000 for new solar PV; at the time of going to press we have nearly £100,000 of investment pledged for new projects.

Step 4: Installation
Installation usually takes 2-3 weeks. There is minimal disruption for your building.

Step 5: Ongoing
You’ll start seeing a reduction on your electricity bill within 3 months.

Step 6: Operation and Maintenance
Electricity generated is used to dramatically reduce your electricity bills. Bi-annual electrical checks and cleaning are also carried out and we keep a close eye on our online montoring to record electricity generated and used.

Our commitment to your roof

Your roof is a great resource for both electricity and cost savings, but it is also of course an integral part of your building. Hence we always commission, at no cost to you, a full structural survey prior to installation. We also carry out regular maintenance and hold full insurance and warranty protection.

Structural Survey
To ensure that there is no doubt over roof integrity, we commission an independent structural surveyor to assess your roof. A typical PV installation weighs around 0.15kg per square metre: that’s considerably lighter than a heavy snowfall and should be well within your roof’s loading capacity.

Regular Maintenance
We also carry out regular maintenance, checking the roof every 6 months, giving you complete peace of mind. Our panels form a protective barrier for your roof and provide an extra layer of protection. However, should you need to do work to your roof, individual panels can be moved temporarily to allow access to the affected area.

The well-being of your roof is insured via our £10,000,000 public liability insurance, which covers any damage to your building arising from negligence on our part. We also have comprehensive maintenance schedule with our installers to prevent any impact on your roof. They hold similar public liability insurances.

For the components of our systems, our solar panels, inverters and framing systems hold manufacturer’s warranties for the 20-year lifetime of each project; additionally our solar PV systems hold a 5-year works guarantee from our installers.

All the products we use satisfy rigorous and established international standards, from panels and fixings, right down to the final grid connection. We have experience of installing solar PV on a wide variety of roofs. But we are never complacent. All our works are fully guaranteed and insured, stringently monitored and adhere to the highest safety standards.

For more information download our brochure here
