Solar PV at The Big Lemon Bus Depot

Solar energy powering the UK’s first solar electric buses.

A Major Centre for Renewable Energy

BEC’s solar PV support the Port in becoming a major centre for renewable energy

Community-owned Solar PV

Our solar systems save the Port thousands of pounds each year on electricity bills

£ saved on Big Lemon fuel costs per year

Votes in the M&S Community Energy Fund

£ crowdfunded from the local community (match funded by M&S)

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The bright yellow Big Lemon buses are a familiar sight around Brighton and Hove. This project initiated a fleet of 10 electric buses operating around town, all charged overnight at the bus depot. Brighton Energy Coop oversaw the crowd-funding and ultimately winning bid to the Marks and Spencer’s Community Energy Fund, as well as the installation of solar panels on the Big Lemon Depot’s roof.

kWp Solar PV

Cost for each electric bus (£)

Annual Generation from solar PV (kWh)

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