We were asked for our comments on the outcome of the FiT consultation process published yesterday and managed to get a paragraph in this Guardian article http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2011/jun/09/community-renewables-funding.

We have been working on the ‘Plan B’ of multiple 10 to 50kW roofs since the consultation was announced so we will continue with that approach, but the DECC decision to make larger roofs ‘economically unviable’ has certainly slowed us down and delayed when we originally hoped to launch our community share offer.

We are making good progress with submitting planning applications and working towards signing lease agreements with sites though, so we’re moving forward despite Government not taking the opportunity to support community energy with a higher tariff for Co-ops.

We also now have around 62 supporters for our application for £100K from the EnergyShare Fund but need to double that to get to the next round, so if you have a moment please go here and register to be a BEC supporter http://www.energyshare.com/brighton-energy-cooperative/.

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