Brighton Energy Coop’s solar PV sites – yellow markers are new for 2016. Click the image for more details.
With the proposal for a new power station at Hinkley Point looking set for the junkyard, let’s show them what we – the people – really want: more solar PV! Here at Brighton Energy Coop we’re just about to close our investment window for new solar PV at Infinity Foods’ warehouse in Portslade; if you’re quick we can just about accept new investment.
Solar PV is a much better bet that giant nuclear white elephants. Renewable energy is already producing more electricity than the UK’s nuclear power plants – and most of our renewable capacity has been built in the last six years. Hinkley has already been in planning for longer than that – with no end of further blahblahblah in sight.
Let’s make something realistic happen. To get involved with our Infinity project, please make a bank transfer to:
Brighton Energy Ltd
Co-operative Bank
Account: 65446120
Sort: 089299
and fill in the form http://www.brightonenergy.org.uk/join/
This is a great opportunity to be part of a collaboration between two great Brighton co-ops. Infinity is the world leader in Organic and natural foods and while we can’t claim BEC has such a reach, we’re certainly a leader in UK community energy (Infinity will be our ninth solar install).
To join click here http://www.brightonenergy.org.uk/join/
Help us make it happen!
Brighton Energy Coop