Hi folks, Well, the year is nearly at an end so I thought I'd give you an update on how Brighton Energy Coop's solar PV systems have been performing to date. You may recall that earlier in the year we raised £480,000 to install several thousand solar panels at...
Independent solar analyst Enertis Solar finds our Shed 10 solar system producing more than expected!
Earlier this year we got together with Enertis Solar, an independent company specialising in technical assessment and engineering services for solar PV. We wanted Enertis to take a good look at our new community-owned systems at Shed 10 in Shoreham Port - one of five...
Energy Minister Greg Barker returns to Brighton Energy Coop – and how he can help
Energy Minister Greg Barker (centre) and Hove MP Mike Weatherley (right) on the roof of Shed 3a at Shoreham Port this morning Energy Minister Greg Barker returned to visit Brighton Energy Coop again today. Last September the minister liked what he saw at our St...
New 200kw community-owned solar install nears completion – pictures
Over the last week we have continued fitting panels at our new 200kwp solar system at Shed 3a, Shoreham Port. Our bright yellow inverters also arrived and were put into position and the grid connection cable established. While there remains work to do on the...
Brighton Energy Coop with Caroline Lucas at the EcoTechnology show – 27th June
Hi folks, Given that we're in the middle of our fifth new community-owned installation, there's an interesting debate on the 27th June on the 'Future of Community Energy' at Brighton's EcoTechnology Show, 12-13.00. Where are we going with our vision for locally-owned...
Brighton Energy Coop kicks off new 200kw solar system
Brighton Energy Coop kicked off our fifth project this week - a 200kw installation at Shed 3a in Shoreham Port, Sussex. We had to get a crane hire to help us lift the heavy stuff. 818 panels currently sit on the dockside of the port, waiting to be hoisted onto the...
Guide to installing export metering for solar PV
First published on Sustainable Development Blog by BEC director Ross Gilbert Getting an export meter takes time and patience. It makes sense to start this process before installing your system as – crucially – payments are not made until you’ve got your meter in...
South-facing solar vs East-West: should you care?
There's something of a debate in solar land as to the benefits of south facing solar installations vs setups that are installed on an east/west orientation. Using a case study of one of our installations at Hove Enterprise Centre in Portslade (above, total size...
Community Energy takes on Fracking as 15 community energy schemes launch across Sussex
Balcombe hit the headlines again this week: not because of the Sauron-like threat of evil Cuadrilla, but because plucky locals in the village have started their own community energy scheme: REPOWERBalcombe. Indeed, REPOWERBalcombe is one of 15 energy coops launched...
Invest in Community Energy before the end of the tax year!
Shed 10 at Shoreham Port, where we installed nearly 1000 solar panels in December. We're currently fundraising for a similar sized system close by Hi Folks, I'm sure you don't need reminding but the end of the tax year is almost upon us, so it's a great time to...
Community involvement with solar farms: what it means for councillors, planners and community groups
Above: the largest community-owned solar farm in the UK: Westmill Solar Coop near Oxford, where 5000 local people own £16 million of solar PV. Many places across the country are seeing solar farm developments. Interestingly, the Department of Energy and Climate Change...
Hi folks, If you're interested to find out more about community energy, and the challenges that more renewables pose to our grid infrastructure, come along to the inaugural talk in the POWER TO THE PEOPLE series in Brighton, organised by our friends at Community...
Scaling up Community Energy: a how-to Guide
We've done well. Really well. The 40-odd energy coops that exist across the country have so far raised £18m quid for spanking...
£400,000 raised, £50,000 to go!
Hi folks, Brighton Energy Coop has now raised the rather incredible total of £400,000, leaving just £50,000 before we can install our second huge solar project at Shoreham Port. You can help us achieve our latest target: by becoming a member of Brighton Energy Coop...
Climate change took my virginity – and what you can do about it
Romantic Copenhagen, 2009. Enormous halls filled with the world's great and good; thousands gathered for the COP15 Climate conference. Despite all the the talk, a resounding silence. At the same time, my climate virginity was taken. In the large hole left by by the...
Since 2010 we’ve raised over £3M, have 600 members and have built 63 sites
Money raised (£)
Sites Built

“None of this would be possible without you.
BEC isn’t backed by venture capitalists or private equity, pension funds or fossil fuel companies. The only money we get is from you, our Members.
The £3 million we’ve raised to date is purely community investment.
We’ve no debt, and 80% of the money is from Brighton itself.
This is community energy in action!”
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Contact us here with any of your questions about Brighton Energy Co-op, community energy, sustainable investment or our#SolarForSchools campaign.