Church petition to exempt non-profits from FiT reduction
Petition to exempt not-for-profit groups from Feed-in Tariff reduction
Please support the solar industry petition
Our Solar Future petition
Brighton Energy Coop – status update
Hi there, I write with an update on what's going on with Brighton Energy Coop after the government's unexpected Feed in Tariff review last week. As I mentioned in my previous post, the new FIT tariffs make it very difficult to proceed with a 120kWp of solar (the...
A good article by 10:10 on the FiT cuts
10:10 FiT article - and a mention of BEC!
Contribute to the FiT consultation
If you would like to contribute to the FiT consultation and comment on the rapidity and size of the cuts please do so at the following link before 23/12. We will lobbying hard for a favourable 'community tariff' so that we can continue with our plans of bringing...
Brighton Energy Co-op postpones share launch
Hi there, I’m very sorry to say that – although we have fought supremely hard – we have been forced to postpone our share offer launch tomorrow, after this week's Government announcement of cuts to the feed-in-tariff. We have made this decision reluctantly, but our...
£155,000 pledged and we are dodging bullets!
Hi there, Well, it's been an interesting couple of weeks. First: our community has now pledged an incredible £155,000 to the Brighton Energy Coop project - a fantastic achievement. Pledges range from £400 pounds to £20,000 and have come from sixteen years olds to...
A bit of good news!
I have just been told by Emma Birch of Naturesave Insurance that we have been awarded £1250 from the Naturesave Trust towards our project costs, which is certainly very welcome. Thanks very much !
Want to invest ethically? Look to your own backyard
Another article in the Guardian supportive of community energy projects
£65,000 pledged in our first week!
It's been an exciting week. Since we announced our share launch last week, £65,000 has been pledged for community-owned renewable energy in Brighton and Hove. Many thanks to all of you who have pledged your interest - it's fantastic to have so much support out there....
Why St George’s Church will host BEC panels
Father Andrew, Vicar of Kemptown and Rural Dean of Brighton talks about why St George's Church in Kemptown has agreed to host Brighton Energy Co-op panels.
The Guardian recommends investing in community energy schemes
The Guardian recommends investing in community energy schemes (see number ten).
Brighton Energy Coop – an introduction
Brighton Energy Coop launches 2 November
Hi everyone, I'm very pleased to tell you that Brighton Energy Co-op will launch its share offer on 2 November, at the Friend's Meeting House at 7pm. Do come along - this will be your chance to join this pioneering initiative for community-owned green power in...
Energy4ALL raises £540k for Community Wind Project
The UK's biggest community renewables organisation, Energy4All, recently raised £540k for an extension to the Kilbraur wind farm in Scotland. Existing shareholders of Kilbraur were invited purchase further shares to raise capital for the project. The move follows last...
Since 2010 we’ve raised over £3M, have 600 members and have built 63 sites
Money raised (£)
Sites Built

“None of this would be possible without you.
BEC isn’t backed by venture capitalists or private equity, pension funds or fossil fuel companies. The only money we get is from you, our Members.
The £3 million we’ve raised to date is purely community investment.
We’ve no debt, and 80% of the money is from Brighton itself.
This is community energy in action!”
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Contact us here with any of your questions about Brighton Energy Co-op, community energy, sustainable investment or our#SolarForSchools campaign.