Webinars on community energy topics
I thought that I would post up links to 4 webinars that I have hosted recently on community energy issues on the www.communitycentral.co.uk platform. Just click on the links below and then playback the webinars: 1) Finance: funding options beyond LCCC including debt...
Community Energy Webinars
I thought that I would post up links to 3 webinars that I have hosted recently on community energy issues on the www.communitycentral.co.uk platform. Just click on the links below and then playback the webinars: 1) Finance: funding options beyond LCCC including debt...
I’ve been thinking about the idea of resilience quite a lot recently. On the ‘macro’ scale, initiating a community-owned renewable energy project is inspired by the need for us to become more resilient in the face of climate change and peak oil. Clearly installing...
Considerations for the FIT review – Community Energy
While the FIT review is targeted at large scale installations, the reclassification of solar projects over 50kW as ‘large scale’ threatens community schemes too. The question for government, therefore, is at what scale can community energy projects succeed? This post...
What is causing instability in Feed in Tariff policy?
Whilst the Feed In Tariff (FIT) review has prompted huge disappointment across the solar industry in the UK, FIT regimes across the continent have been unstable for a couple of years. So what causes governments to wobble on FITs? Too many projects Fundamentally, the...
Newsletter #5 – Jeremy Leggett joins Brighton Energy Co-op
Hi Everyone, Last month I mentioned we'd have some big news and here it is: Jeremy Leggett has joined the advisory board of Brighton Energy Co-op. This is a major step forward for us - Jeremy is probably the biggest figure in British solar. As well as being CEO of...
Jeremy Leggett: “A time of consequences”
Twitter is ablaze with talk of the protests planned by some Saudi citizens next Friday. Saudi troops are already being deployed around the Kingdom. Before there was any sense that contagion might spread even to Saudi Arabia, some analysts were warning of $220 oil...
DECC energy simulation tool… (kinda fun)
DECC launched a clever little simulation today that lets you decide how to move to a low carbon economy, how it looks - and whether it works or not. See the website here (http://my2050.decc.gov.uk/)
Community Wind Co-operative Planning Success
Leading community wind developers Energy4All got a green light today as planning for the Torrance Farm Community Wind Co-op was approved. Turbines will be 100% community-owned through a new Co-op. More details to follow shortly, website here
Community Hydro scheme raises £450K
Stockport Hydro have recently raised £450K for a community energy scheme - approaching their target of £550K. It's a great example of large-scale community schemes in action. Anyone wanting to support the the scheme can register their interest at www.h2ope.co.uk and...
BEC newsletter #4 – and can you help?
Hi everyone, Exciting times at Brighton Energy Co-op! After raising start-up cash through January, we are now in discussion with six different sites for our panels - including a couple of schools, a hospital, a new sports facility as well as several others. We will...
Govt review jeopardises renewables sector
Brighton Energy Co-op cited as example of why FITs for large-scale is a good idea - our first mention in the national press. - The Guardian
Govt claims large installations hoovering FITs
Govt claims FITs diverted to large-scale solar panel installations - The Guardian
Ipswich building UK’s largest rooftop solar installation
A north Worcestershire company has secured a £1.2m contract to install what they say is the UK's biggest roof-top solar power plant - BBC News
Brighton Energy Co-op raises start-up cash
December 2010: snow fell heavily outside. All day I'd received messages from our guest speakers: 'sorry, snowed in'. 'Perhaps,' said Jeremy Leggett, 'we should reschedule for the New Year'. Other emails came from BEC supporters. 'Let me know what happens,' said one....
Since 2010 we’ve raised over £3M, have 600 members and have built 63 sites
Money raised (£)
Sites Built

“None of this would be possible without you.
BEC isn’t backed by venture capitalists or private equity, pension funds or fossil fuel companies. The only money we get is from you, our Members.
The £3 million we’ve raised to date is purely community investment.
We’ve no debt, and 80% of the money is from Brighton itself.
This is community energy in action!”
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Contact us here with any of your questions about Brighton Energy Co-op, community energy, sustainable investment or our#SolarForSchools campaign.