Brighton Energy Co-op – how did we get here?
By BEC Project Director, Damian Tow I thought that it might be useful to provide a bit of background of how we got to setting up Brighton Energy Co-op, and what motivates us to want to create a community-owned renewable energy project in Brighton. I say us but...
Video – BEC history and Energy Co-op case studies
Where Brighton Energy Co-op came from, and a look at some of the biggest - and most successful - energy co-operatives in the UK and beyond
Since 2010 we’ve raised over £3M, have 600 members and have built 63 sites
Money raised (£)
Sites Built

“None of this would be possible without you.
BEC isn’t backed by venture capitalists or private equity, pension funds or fossil fuel companies. The only money we get is from you, our Members.
The £3 million we’ve raised to date is purely community investment.
We’ve no debt, and 80% of the money is from Brighton itself.
This is community energy in action!”
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Contact us here with any of your questions about Brighton Energy Co-op, community energy, sustainable investment or our#SolarForSchools campaign.