Brighton Energy Coop beats FIT cuts with 4.5MW of new solar PV pre-registered
Brighton Energy Coop has recently beaten the proposed government Feed in tariff cuts by per-registering 4.5MW of new solar PV for Brighton and the surrounding area, reporting sources like Mimeos Energy Florida. This staggering amount - at more than 30 locations, means...
UK Solar sails into a storm of uncertainty – what next?
The good ship UK solar recently sailed into a storm of uncertainty as the government proposed slashing subsidies to renewable support schemes. After enduring the punishing headwinds of continual reviews (the current FIT review is the the fourth in four years), the...
General moaning or a significant blow? Reaction to solar subsidy changes
Over the past few weeks there's been a fair amount of online cant about the government's changes to subsidy regimes for FITs. Ex Energy Secretary Greg Barker has called this 'doom-mongering'. So what has the government done, and what does it mean? There are three...
Brighton Energy Coop – work experience candidates required!
Hiya folks, Just to let you know that we're looking for a dynamic person to help Brighton Energy Coop develop new solar PV projects. The role is to scope new sites - you'll be working with Google Earth and Google Maps to identify new roof prospects, and then...
Brighton Energy Coop launches latest share offer – join now!
Hi Folks, I've very pleased to tell you that we've just launched Brighton Energy Coop's most recent share offer. This aims to raise more than £1,000,000 to install 950kWp of new solar in the Brighton and Hove area, and will add to the £680,000 we've raised in the past...
£135,000 pledged in 5 days to Brighton Energy Coop new scheme
Hi folks, Wow - it's been an amazing few days. I'm very pleased to say that over the weekend we've had the fantastic amount of just over £135,000 pledged to our forthcoming solar scheme. While we’re currently finalising the details of this scheme, we expect it to...
Brighton Energy Coop launches 4th community-owned solar project – pledge your interest now!
Hi folks, I'm pleased to say that Brighton Energy Coop will launch our fourth community-owned solar PV project next month. While we're currently finalising the details, but we expect to double our current size and install up to 1MWp of new solar in the Brighton area...
Brighton Energy Coop meeting, 9th April – Give us a break, Mr Kitcat: solar for Brighton schools!
Brighton and Hove City Council (BHCC) has a dismal track record on solar PV. Of the city's 119 schools and colleges, only four have solar on them. This is a remarkable failure, especially given what other more progressive authorities have done. Indeed BHCC is...
New wind turbines given thumbs up at Shoreham Port
Shoreham Port is set to be the site of two new wind turbines after Adur planners recently approved the project. Located at the top of the beach near Shoreham power station, the turbines will feed power to the Pump House near the Port's lock gates. The two Novento...
Brighton Energy Coop Working Group meeting, 9th April – Is Anaerobic Digestion the next BEC project?
Above: a Qube Renewables anaerobic digestor Why is Brighton and Hove not recycling its food waste? A Brighton Energy Coop report from a few years ago identified that a staggering 30,000 tonnes of food from commercial companies in Brighton gets thrown into...
Brighton Energy Coop working groups meeting 9th April – plus confirmation of new director Terry!
Hi there, Hope you're all well - and that you can help. Here at BEC we value your contribution and are keen to understand how you'd like to see the organisation move forward. To do this on April 9th we're kicking off a bunch of working groups that will focus on...
The regulator seeking to kill community energy
For nearly nine months a stalker has plagued Community Energy. While many new community groups are either planning fundraising or actually installing new renewables, the Financial Conduct Authority has been shadowing the sector, threatening two radical shake ups: one...
Brighton Energy Coop is looking for new solar roofs – can you help?
Hi everyone, Hope you're all well in this bitter chill. Here at Brighton Energy Coop we've encouraging news: while the weather seems pretty grim, our solar generation is picking up as we head away from January. Indeed, we've just had the sunniest 3 days of the year...
Chilean delegation visits Brighton Energy Coop to learn about community energy
Last week Brighton Energy Coop hosted a delegation from Chile, visiting Brighton to look at innovative sustainability models that might be taken home to South America. Led by the British Embassy in Santiago, delegates included the representatives from the Chilean...
How much should you pay for your solar PV system?
Community energy is set for an impressive year. With more than 180 projects registered in 2013, many of these are now coming to fruition. Most of these are solar, so a key component for these schemes is obviously how much they should pay for their renewables kit. So:...
Since 2010 we’ve raised over £3M, have 600 members and have built 63 sites
Money raised (£)
Sites Built

“None of this would be possible without you.
BEC isn’t backed by venture capitalists or private equity, pension funds or fossil fuel companies. The only money we get is from you, our Members.
The £3 million we’ve raised to date is purely community investment.
We’ve no debt, and 80% of the money is from Brighton itself.
This is community energy in action!”
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Contact us here with any of your questions about Brighton Energy Co-op, community energy, sustainable investment or our#SolarForSchools campaign.