This is community energy in action!

Well it’s been quite a ride over Christmas and New Year!
Since we launched our latest series of community-owned solar PV projects we’ve raised £258,000 – and built one: 60kWp of new community-owned solar PV at Grand Parade at the University of Brighton.
The next – 90kWp at the Lady Bee Business Centre in Shoreham Port – is due to start at the end of this month.
That’s an amazing acheivement – and thank you so much for your support. A big welcome to all our new members and thanks to those of our members who have increased your existing investments. We couldn’t do this without you.
We still have great plans to do more – see details of our new projects on pages 3-6 of our share invitation here. And you can join BEC here and help make the whole plan happen

Solar Schools – We Need Your Help!
This year we’re installing solar on as many schools as we can. We’re already in discussion with many – but there are lots more. It’s crucial to understand that Feed in Tariffs end in March; we need to be talking to them before that date – otherwise solar simply isn’t going to happen.
You can help: it’s as easy as 1 2 3 !
- wherever you live, contact the business manager or headteacher at your local school.
- Tell them that – as a parent, teacher or member of the community you would like to see your school going solar.
- Then send our details – CC into any email correspondence and share this page with them. (There is a share button at the bottom of this post – share widely!)
There’s no cost to the school and they can save thousands on their electricity bills. Our solar system at Portslade Academy, for example, already saves the school more than £5000 each year on their bills.
We’re interested in talking to as many governors, business managers and headteachers before March. They are generally very busy people and we appreciate the great work that they do. But the window of opportunity to go solar is closing – to take advantage of it they need to act.
Days until #SolarForSchools offer closes | Act now!

£258,000 raised – how it breaks down
So far, the money to create these exciting new solar projects has come from fifty eight investments. Investments range from our minimum amount of £300 up to £66,000 (the maximum is £100,000). Anyone can join, as long as you’re 16 or older.
Our existing membership has shown strongly showing – what a fantastic bunch – 28 of the total are from current BEC members, totalling £157,000, and investing, on average, £5,610 on top of whatever they already had in.
An additional £101,000 towards our total funding target had come from new members.Of these 30 people, the average investment has been £3,030.
The rollout plan
As mentioned above, the next step is the Lady Bee business Centre. From there our installation contractor GenFit will move to Sussex Coast College, for a giant 250kWp system – our largest to date. Before the end of March we’ll be heading off to Coldean, Carden and Woodingdean primary schools for more solar before the end of the financial year.
You can help make it all happen – support our new solar projects by joining BEC here.
Will Cottrell
Brighton Energy Coop