BEC Launches THREE New Community Solar Projects – Get Involved!
You can help us get these exciting projects off the ground by joining BEC here. Investments receive a projected 5% interest – just as we have delivered for existing members for the past three years.

The next are two nieghbours in Littlehampton: Medisort and BCMY. Both will be 60kWp installations (although we will be looking to extend BCMY’s array later in the year). Again: the energy produced will be sold to both companies at a significant discount.

You can find details of our share invitation here – and financials and more details about the projects above here

You can also help us get these projects built by sharing any of the three links below on your social networks – always a great help:
This link details our 2018 projects-
Here’s a great overview of the projects Brighton Energy Coop has already built –
And this map gives a look at where all our systems are –
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our three new partner companies for their good will during our negotations – and look forward to a long and productive future!
Will Cottrell
Brighton Energy Coop